The SIGMOBILE Test-of-Time awards recognize papers that have had a sustained and significant impact in the SIGMOBILE community over at least a decade. The award recognizes that a paper’s influence is often not fully apparent at the time of publication, and it can be best judged with the perspective of time. WARP was a groundbreaking open-source specialized hardware platform for high-performance wireless research built at Rice by Ashutosh Sabharwal, Behnaam Aazhang, and their students. As one of the very few university hardware projects that moved outside the university, WARP has served as an experimental enabler for hundreds of ideas, which otherwise would have hardly been demonstrated, due to code base limitations and the large cost of wireless platforms capable of supporting high-end research. In the process, WARP was instrumental in changing the way the SIGMOBILE wireless community did research – strong experimental evidence versus oversimplified simulations. For this, it was awarded the test of time award in 2019. |